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Ohio | Congress

Huffman v. Neiman (was Neiman v. LaRose)

Last Updated Sep 7, 2023
Case No. 2022-0298 (Ohio S. Ct.); No. 22-362 (S. Ct.)
Cycle 2020

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A state court challenge to the Mar. 2, 2022, remedial congressional plan, alleging partisan gerrymandering and improper splitting of government units under state law, following the state Supreme Court’s decisions in Adams v. DeWine and LWV v. DeWine on Jan. 14, 2022, striking the original congressional plan as an unlawful partisan gerrymander.

On July 19, 2022, the state Supreme Court struck the Mar. 2 remedial plan as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, and again remanded for the drawing of a new plan.  The legislative leadership petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for certiorari, on the theory that the Elections Clause does not permit state courts or state constitutions to constrain state legislatures in drawing congressional lines; on June 30, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision and remanded for further consideration in light of Moore v. Harper.

On remand, on Sept. 7, 2023, the court granted plaintiffs’ requests to voluntarily dismiss their challenges.


Case filings, starting with most recent court

Additional Cases

(consolidated) State court challenge to congressional plan: unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering
Cycle 2020
State supreme court struck congressional plan: unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, division of counties
Cycle 2020
State supreme court struck congressional plan: unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, division of counties
Cycle 2020