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Wygant (was Moore, and Turner) v. Lee

Last Updated Jul 5, 2024
Case No. 22-0287-IV (Tenn. Chancery Ct., Davidson Cnty.); Nos. M2022-00434-SC-RDO-CV, M2023-01686-SC-R3-CV (Tenn. S. Ct.)
Cycle 2020

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A state court challenge to the state legislative map under the state constitution, alleging excessive county splits and deviation from the requirement to consecutively number Senate districts (which affects when Senators in staggered seats are up for election), in service of partisan ends.

On Apr. 6, 2022, the trial court temporarily enjoined elections under the state Senate plan, but declined to issue preliminary relief on the House map.  On expedited appeal, the state supreme court found that an injunction would cause too much disruption in the pending election cycle given the April 7 candidate filing deadline.  The case returned to the trial court for further proceedings on the merits.

On Mar. 27, 2023, the court denied each party’s requests for summary judgment.  On Nov. 22, 2023, after trial, the court rejected challenges to the state House map, but struck the Senate map for impermissibly numbering districts (which, with staggered elections, impacts when legislators are on the ballot); that decision has been stayed pending appeal.


Case filings, starting with most recent court
    Name Last Modified
Document icon Complaint Feb 23, 2022
Document icon Amd. complaint Mar 11, 2022
Document icon Motion for temp. injunction Mar 11, 2022
Document icon Opposition Mar 25, 2022
Document icon Reply Mar 29, 2022
Highlighted document Document icon Order enjoining Senate map Apr 6, 2022
    Name Last Modified
Document icon Order assuming jurisdiction Apr 8, 2022
Highlighted document Document icon Order vacating injunction Apr 13, 2022
    Name Last Modified
Document icon 2d amd. complaint Jun 16, 2022
Document icon 3d amd. complaint Oct 19, 2022
Document icon Order re discovery and privilege Dec 19, 2022
Document icon Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment Jan 20, 2023
Document icon Response Feb 10, 2023
Document icon Reply Feb 24, 2023
Document icon State's motion for summary judgment Jan 20, 2023
Document icon Response Feb 10, 2023
Document icon Reply Feb 24, 2023
Highlighted document Document icon Order on motions for summary judgment Mar 27, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' pretrial brief Apr 11, 2023
Document icon State's pretrial brief Apr 11, 2023
Document icon Trial transcript May 16, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' post-trial brief (incl. exh.) May 24, 2023
Document icon State's post-trial brief May 24, 2023
Highlighted document Document icon Opinion striking Senate map Nov 22, 2023
Document icon Plaintiff's notice of appeal Nov 29, 2023
Document icon State's notice of appeal Nov 29, 2023
    Name Last Modified
Document icon State motion for stay Dec 5, 2023
Document icon Opposition Dec 7, 2023
Highlighted document Document icon Order staying Senate ruling Dec 8, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' brief May 6, 2024
Document icon State's brief Jun 5, 2024
Document icon Plaintiffs' reply Jun 20, 2024
Document icon State's reply Jul 5, 2024

Map | Challenged state Senate plan

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Map | Challenged state House plan

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