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North Carolina | Congress

Harper v. Hall

Last Updated Dec 3, 2021
Case No. 21CVS500085-910 (N.C. Super. Ct., Wake Cnty.)
Cycle 2020

Case Information

** This case has been consolidated with NC League of Conservation Voters v. Hall. Further updates will be posted to that case page.  (This challenge is to the 2021 maps, distinct from the Harper v. Lewis challenge to the 2016 congressional map.) **

A state court challenge to the congressional map, as an alleged partisan gerrymander impermissible under the state constitution.


Case filings, starting with most recent court
    Name Last Modified
Document icon Complaint Nov 18, 2022
Document icon Amd. complaint Dec 13, 2021
Document icon Motion for preliminary injunction Nov 30, 2021
Document icon Leg. opposition Dec 2, 2021
Document icon State bd. opposition Dec 2, 2021
Highlighted document Document icon Order denying motion for PI Dec 3, 2021
Document icon Notice of appeal Dec 3, 2021
Document icon Order consolidating cases Dec 3, 2021

Map | Challenged congressional plan

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Additional Cases

State court rejected challenges to legislative & cong. maps: alleged partisan gerrymander, racial vote dilution, county boundary violations
Cycle 2020
State court dismissed challenge to race-blind redistricting process as moot, after districts were drawn
Cycle 2020
State court struck 2016 congressional plan as unlawful partisan gerrymander
Cycle 2010