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Utah | Congress | Process

League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature

Last Updated Jul 11, 2024
Case No. 220901712 (Utah Dist. Ct., Salt Lake Cnty.), Nos. 20220991, 20220998 (Utah S. Ct.)
Cycle 2020

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State court challenge to Utah’s congressional maps as a partisan gerrymander in violation of the state constitution. The lawsuit also seeks to reinstate the authority of the state’s independent redistricting commission, which was created by a 2018 citizens’ initiative (Proposition 4) but then relegated to an advisory role in 2020 by the state legislature.

On Oct. 24, 2022, the trial court dismissed the claim with respect to the role of the commission, but allowed the partisan gerrymandering claims to proceed.  The parties cross-appealed to the state supreme court, which heard arguments on July 11, 2023.

On July 11, 2024, the state supreme court reversed the trial court with respect to the commission, holding that “the people’s right to alter or reform the government through an initiative is constitutionally protected from government infringement, including legislative amendment, repeal, or replacement of the initiative in a manner that impairs the reform enacted by the people.” The litigation over the commission will continue, with the trial court now assessing whether the 2020 legislation impermissibly impaired the operation of Prop 4 — and if so, whether the existing map is lawful.  The supreme court stayed further action on the partisan gerrymandering claims in the meantime.


Case filings, starting with most recent court
    Name Last Modified
Document icon Complaint Mar 17, 2022
Document icon Motion to dismiss May 2, 2022
Document icon Opposition Jun 1, 2022
Document icon Reply Jun 17, 2022
Highlighted document Document icon Opinion dismissing claim re commission Nov 22, 2022
Document icon Plaintiffs' statement on leg. privilege Dec 6, 2022
Document icon Objection Dec 23, 2022
Document icon Plaintiffs' supp. statement on leg. privilege Jan 5, 2023
Document icon Objection Jan 6, 2023
Document icon Order deferring ruling on privilege Jan 18, 2023
Document icon Order staying trial case pending appeal Jan 18, 2023
    Name Last Modified
Document icon Leg. petition for interlocutory review Nov 14, 2022
Document icon Plaintiffs' opposition Dec 6, 2022
Document icon Plaintiffs' cross-petition for review Nov 14, 2022
Document icon Order granting review Jan 6, 2023
Document icon Leg. opening brief Mar 31, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Honest Elections Project Apr 7, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of members of Congress Apr 7, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' response May 15, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of ACLU et al. May 19, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of bipartisan former govs. May 19, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Brennan Center May 19, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Prof. Charles Fried May 19, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of poli. sci. professors May 22, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Prof. Bertrall Ross May 19, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Jennifer Wilson May 19, 2023
Document icon Leg. reply Jun 16, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' opening brief (repeal of Prop 4) Mar 31, 2023
Document icon Leg. response May 12, 2023
Document icon Amicus brief of Common Cause May 18, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' reply Jun 16, 2023
Document icon Order re supp. briefing on Prop. 4 Jul 13, 2023
Document icon Plaintiffs' supp. brief Jul 31, 2023
Document icon Leg. supp. brief Jul 31, 2023
Supp. brief of amicus [Document not yet available] Jul 31, 2023
Supp. brief of amicus [Document not yet available] Aug 14, 2023
Document icon Supp. brief of amicus Gov. Cox Aug 31, 2023
Highlighted document Document icon Order reversing trial court on commission. Jul 11, 2024

Map | Challenged congressional plan

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